Thursday 29 April 2010

Conventions of a Sports/Comedy film

We Decided that we would like to do a film on sports, in particular American Football. This was largely as I enjoy the sport and therefore have a lot of knowledge, and as it offered opportunity's to do interesting shots. When we were brainstorming we thought that being just a sports film would make it weak, as most sports films also have comedy or drama intertwined, we settled to make it comical as it appeals to our chosen age group, the 16-25 year olds.

Conventions of a Sports film.
A sports film is usually a racks to riches story of a boy struggling, but somehow pulling it out of the bag when it maters. In the film ' The Longest Yard ' A group of convicts take on the gaurds that disipline them, they struggle to pull together as a team as they are more interested in the violance of the sport. At the end of the film the convicts become a team and beat the gaurds. We tried to include this concept in our film.

Conventions of a Comedy film.
A Comedy film often contains a message but this message is portrayed in a funny way. Comedy is very popular with our chosen age group and ties well with the sports theme, we believe by combinding the two our film will be appealing to our target audience.

This is the second page of our storyboard, we concluded some of the shots were not do able and have therefore altered them.