Tuesday 2 March 2010

Main task synopsis

our media film it will be based on a 16 year old boy who has applied for a place in Plymouth University. He makes it into the university and does not realise that he is quite different to all the other children. Because he is classed as a geek by all the other kids he is severely bullied by them and his school life looks as if it’s going to be a living hell. As a practical joke a group of boys decide to sign him up for the American football team thinking that he will be easy to take down and will make a fool of himself in front of all the school. When he is forced to go to football practice by the team he realises that he has the best throw that the school has ever seen. Because of his talent the team become friendlier towards him and don’t bully him. The only problem is that the rest of the school still bully him and make his life hell. The boy becomes angry and asks one of the more popular guys in the team to teach him how not to be a geek. This goes badly and makes things worse. He is assigned the role as quarter back and he plays in the first game of the league. Unfortunately he is taken down left right and centre and his concentration is distracted by the crowed making jokes about him. This makes the team lose the game. The coach however still believes that he has the ability to win and decides to give him some one to one training sessions that will train him to withstand tackles better and be able to make better plays. After being placed on the bench for the rest of the season he is felling rejected but still wants to play. On the last game of the season the replacement quarter back is reported injured and the boy is asked to take his place. The whole team is feeling like there is no point to the game because he will fail like last time but they don’t know that he has been training and has improved lots. When the boy scores the first points the team realise that he is better and become friendlier towards him and support him. Because of this they win the match and win the league. The boy is then better respected but realises that he hasn’t put any effort into his studies and knows that he is going to fail all his exams. All of the members from the football team put all their knowledge together and create a book that has all the information that the boy will need to pass his exams. He spends the next few days reading the book and when it comes to his exam day he smiles at his exam paper and his confidence makes him succeed. There is an end of year party and the boy finds the love of his life and he dances with her and they get together and have the best time of their lives. At the end of the film we get shown a future clip of the boy’s life and what he did with himself after university. We see that he carries on training and joins the Arizona diamonds football team and gets fame and fortune. Then we see he gets married and has two kids with the woman from the party.

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